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How to get the published properties of an persistent object Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
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			 Author: Boris Benjamin Wittfoth

How to get the published properties of an persistent object / Using the 
pPropInfo-Pointer and the RTTI of Delphi


The TypeInfo unit of Delphi declares several types and functions that gives you 
easy access to the puplished properties of an object and other informations. 
You can obtain a list of the published properties of a class and get the name an 
type of each property. 

The TypeInfo funtion returns a pointer to a type information record. The TypInfo 
unit declares a real type, that is, a pointer to a TTypeInfo record : 

1   PTypeInfo = ^TTypeInfo;
2   TTypeInfo = record
3     Kind: TTypeKind;
4     Name: ShortString;
5   end;

The TTypeKind datatype describes the Datatype , returned by the GetTypeData 

TTypeKind = (tkUnknown, tkInteger, tkChar, tkEnumeration, tkFloat,
  tkString, tkSet, tkClass, tkMethod, tkWChar, tkLString, tkWString,
  tkVariant, tkArray, tkRecord, tkInterface, tkInt64, tkDynArray);
TTypeKinds = set of TTypeKind;

Well ... for our first step to access the objects published properties we need to 
use the PPropInfo-pointer. 

6   PPropInfo = ^TPropInfo;
7   TPropInfo = packed record
8     PropType: PPTypeInfo;
9     GetProc: Pointer;
10    SetProc: Pointer;
11    StoredProc: Pointer;
12    Index: Integer;
13    default: Longint;
14    NameIndex: SmallInt;
15    Name: ShortString;
16  end;
18  //To clarify it, please take a look at this example : 
20  function GetFontSize(Obj: TPersistent): Integer;
21  {
22  in this Procedure we want to get the pPropInfo-pointer - pointing
23  on the Font-Property from an arbitrary TPersistent-Class.
24  The return-value in this instance will be the font-size ( if the font
25  property exists , if not -> the return value will be -1 )
26  }
27  var
28    PropInfo: PPropInfo;
29  begin
30    RESULT := -1;
31    // Get the PPropInfo-Pointer for Font of the TPersistent obj
32    PropInfo := GetPropInfo(Obj, 'Font');
33    // At first we will find out if the property FONT exists
34    if PropInfo = nil then
35      EXIT; // The Property doesn't exists
36    {
37      TFont is not an ordinal-Type - therefore will have to control if
38      Typekind of the TypeInfo-Class is set to tkClass
39    }
40    if PropInfo.PropType^.Kind <> tkClass then
41      EXIT; // property isn't a tkClass type
42    {
43      now, we now that the TypeKind of die PropInfo-pointer is a class .
44      last but not least we will use the GetObjectProp, the return-value
45      of this function is a TObject. Subsequently, we will use this object as
46      a TFont to get the Size value.
47    }
48    RESULT := ((GetObjectProp(Obj, PropInfo)) as TFont).Size;
49  end;
51  But to get the complete list of all properties of a TPersistent-class we will need 
52  the pPropList-type . This type is a simple pointer-array and the magic key to all 
53  property-Informations and their structures. 
55  Take a look at this : 
57  procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
59  const
60    tkOrdinal = [tkEnumeration, tkInteger, tkChar, tkSet, tkWChar]; //Filter
62  begin
63    {
64      in this method of the mainform-class we are seeking for all ordinal-type
65      properties of the edit1-component. The from the GetPropertyList method
66      returned list of all properties will be written into the Listbox1. You can
67      replace the obj parameter with an arbitrary TObject ( but usually TPersistent
68      objects ).
69      For another filter please take a look at the TTypeKinds-set.
70    }
71    GetPropertyList(Edit1, ListBox1.Items, tkOrdinal);
72  end;
74  procedure GetPropertyList(Obj: TObject; List: TStrings; Filter: TTypeKinds);
75  var
76    PropList: pPropList;
77    count, i: Integer;
78  begin
79    List.Clear;
80    // Here we'll get the count of the given properties, ...
81    Count := GetPropList(Obj.ClassInfo, Filter, nil);
82    // ...and create room for the PropList,...
83    GetMem(PropList, Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo));
84    // ...get the Proplist-Data,...
85    GetPropList(Obj.ClassInfo, Filter, PropList);
86    // ...and write the property-names into the StringList
87    for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
88      List.Add(Proplist[i].Name);
89  end;

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