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How to store values to the DFM files during design Time Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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Reference URL:
			Author: Yoganand Aiyadurai 

How can I store values in a DFM file during design Time, so that it can be used 
during run time?


Most of use a table or some kind of files to store the data for the application to 
pick up the data during run time. Actually we can store the data in the form file ( 
dfm ). In the following example I have created a component derived from the 
TPersistent class. It uses the TReader and TWriter class to Read and write to the 
respective streams. The TComponentEditor allows to define the design time editors 
to work with the component class. The TPropertyEditor class allows to define a 
property editor for a specialized property in a component class. 

In the following example I have given the component's source code. The design time 
property editor has a source file code(pas) and source form code for the form 
(dfm). copy the dfm code to create a dfm file, name it as "propdlg.dfm" and assign 
it's Name property to "fmpropdlg" and the source file code to create a pas file, 
name it as "propdlg.pas". Install the component TMyComponent, include the file 
"propdlg.pas" of the property editor in the the package. 

The component will then allow you to invoke the design time editor by clicking on 
the object inspector for the specified property or by right clicking on the 
component itself and then selecting the respective verb in the menu context. You 
can store the fields of the class Tmydata in the form file ( dfm ) during design 
2   //**********************************************************************
3   //***** Component source (pas) *****************************************
4   //**********************************************************************
5   unit Test;
7   interface
9   uses
10    Windows, Forms, Classes, StdCtrls, SysUtils, ComCtrls, Messages, Controls,
11    {DB, DBCtrls, CommCtrl, OCIH, OCI, OCL, ExtVCs,} dsgnintf;
13  type
14    TMyPropertyEditor = class(TPropertyEditor)
15    private
16      { Private declarations }
17    public
18      { Public declarations }
19      function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
20      procedure Edit; override;
21      function GetValue: string; override;
22    end;
24    TMyEditorPopup = class(TComponentEditor)
25    private
26      { Private declarations }
27    public
28      { Public declarations }
29      procedure Edit; override;
30      procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); override;
31      function GetVerb(Index: Integer): string; override;
32      function GetVerbCount: Integer; override;
33    end;
35    TMyData = class
36    private
37      Fstr: string;
38      FInt: Integer;
39    public
40      property StringValue: string read Fstr write FStr;
41      property IntegerValue: Integer read FInt write FInt;
42    end;
44    TMyTable = class(TPersistent)
45    private
46      FList: TList;
47      function GetCount: Integer;
48      function GetItem(Index: Integer): TMyData;
50      procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; vItem: TMyData);
51      procedure ReadProperties(Reader: TReader);
52      procedure WriteProperties(Writer: TWriter);
53    protected
54      procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
55    public
56      constructor Create;
57      destructor Destroy; override;
58      procedure AddItem;
59      procedure DeleteItem(Index: Integer);
60      property ItemCount: Integer read GetCount;
61      property Items[Index: Integer]: TMyData read GetItem write SetItem; default;
62    end;
64    TMyComponent = class(TComponent)
65    private
66      FMyTable: TMyTable;
67      procedure SetTables(Value: TMyTable);
68    public
69      constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
70      destructor Destroy; override;
71    published
72      property MyTables: TMyTable read FMyTable write SetTables;
73    end;
75  procedure register;
77  implementation
79  uses PropDlg;
80  { TMyTable }
82  constructor TMyTable.Create;
83  begin
84    FList := TList.Create;
85    FList.Clear;
86  end;
88  destructor TMyTable.Destroy;
89  begin
90    FList.Free;
91    FList := nil;
92    inherited destroy;
93  end;
95  procedure TMyTable.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
96  begin
97    Filer.DefineProperty('Tables', ReadProperties, WriteProperties, True);
98  end;
100 procedure TMyTable.ReadProperties(Reader: TReader);
101 begin
102   Reader.ReadListBegin;
103   while (not Reader.EndOfList) do
104   begin
105     AddItem;
106     with Items[itemCount - 1] do
107     begin
108       Fstr := Reader.ReadString;
109       FInt := Reader.ReadInteger;
110     end;
111   end;
112   Reader.ReadListEnd;
113 end;
115 procedure TMyTable.WriteProperties(Writer: TWriter);
116 var
117   I: Integer;
118 begin
119   Writer.WriteListBegin;
120   for I := 0 to (ItemCount - 1) do
121   begin
122     with Items[I] do
123     begin
124       Writer.WriteString(Fstr);
125       Writer.WriteInteger(FInt);
126     end;
127   end;
128   Writer.WriteListEnd;
129 end;
131 procedure TMyTable.AddItem;
132 var
133   vData: TMyData;
134 begin
135   vData := TMyData.Create;
136   FList.Add(vData);
137 end;
139 function TMyTable.GetCount: Integer;
140 begin
141   Result := FList.Count;
142 end;
144 function TMyTable.GetItem(Index: Integer): TMyData;
145 begin
146   Result := TMyData(FList[Index]);
147 end;
149 procedure TMyTable.SetItem(Index: Integer; vItem: TMyData);
150 begin
151   Flist[Index] := vItem;
152 end;
154 procedure TMyTable.DeleteItem(Index: Integer);
155 begin
156   FList.Delete(Index);
157 end;
159 { TMyComponent }
161 constructor TMyComponent.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
162 begin
163   inherited Create(AOwner);
164   FMyTable := TMyTable.Create;
165 end;
167 destructor TMyComponent.Destroy;
168 begin
169   FMyTable.Free;
170   FMyTable := nil;
171   inherited Destroy;
172 end;
174 procedure TMyComponent.SetTables(Value: TMyTable);
175 begin
176   {}
177 end;
179 function TMyPropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
180 begin
181   Result := [paDialog, paReadOnly, paRevertable];
182 end;
184 procedure TMyPropertyEditor.Edit;
185 var
186   MyComponent: TPersistent;
187   FMyComponent: TMyComponent;
188   MyDialog: TfmPropDlg;
189 begin
190   MyComponent := GetComponent(0);
191   if MyComponent is TMyComponent then
192   begin
193     FMyComponent := TMyComponent(MyComponent);
195     MyDialog := TfmPropDlg.Create(Application);
196     try
197       MyDialog.FMyComponent := FMyComponent;
198       MyDialog.FmyPropertyEditor := Self;
199       MyDialog.ShowModal;
200     finally
201       MyDialog.Free;
202       MyDialog := nil
203     end;
204   end;
205 end;
207 function TMyPropertyEditor.GetValue: string;
208 begin
209   FmtStr(Result, '(%s)', [GetPropType^.Name]);
210 end;
212 procedure register;
213 begin
214   RegisterComponents('YOGI', [TMyComponent]);
215   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TMyTable), TMyComponent, 'MyTables',
216     TMyPropertyEditor);
217   RegisterComponentEditor(TMyComponent, TMyEditorPopup);
218 end;
220 { TMyEditorPopup }
222 procedure TMyEditorPopup.Edit;
223 var
224   //  MyComponent : TPersistent;
225   FMyComponent: TMyComponent;
226   MyDialog: TfmPropDlg;
227 begin
228   if Component is TMyComponent then
229   begin
230     FMyComponent := TMyComponent(Component);
231     MyDialog := TfmPropDlg.Create(Application);
232     try
233       MyDialog.FMyComponent := FMyComponent;
234       MyDialog.FMyEditorPopup := Self;
235       MyDialog.ShowModal;
236     finally
237       MyDialog.Free;
238       MyDialog := nil;
239     end;
240   end;
241 end;
243 procedure TMyEditorPopup.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer);
244 begin
245   if (Index = 0) then
246     Edit;
247 end;
249 function TMyEditorPopup.GetVerb(Index: Integer): string;
250 begin
251   if Index = 0 then
252     Result := 'Yoganand''s Editor';
253 end;
255 function TMyEditorPopup.GetVerbCount: Integer;
256 begin
257   Result := 1;
258 end;
260 { TMyTest }
262 end.
264 //**********************************************************************
265 //***** Property Editor's source file (pas) code *******************
266 //**********************************************************************
268 unit propDlg;
270 interface
272 uses
273   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
274   Buttons, StdCtrls, Test, dsgnintf;
276 type
277   TfmPropDlg = class(TForm)
278     Label1: TLabel;
279     Label2: TLabel;
280     edtStr: TEdit;
281     edtInt: TEdit;
282     sbAdd: TSpeedButton;
283     sbDelete: TSpeedButton;
284     sbOk: TSpeedButton;
285     sbCancel: TSpeedButton;
286     sbup: TSpeedButton;
287     sbDown: TSpeedButton;
288     procedure sbAddClick(Sender: TObject);
289     procedure sbOkClick(Sender: TObject);
290     procedure sbupClick(Sender: TObject);
291     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
292     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
293     procedure sbDownClick(Sender: TObject);
294     procedure sbDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
295   private
296     { Private declarations }
297     FCurrentIndex: Integer;
298   public
299     { Public declarations }
300     FMyComponent: TMyComponent;
301     FMyPropertyEditor: TPropertyEditor;
302     FMyEditorPopup: TComponentEditor;
303     FPageIndex: Integer;
304   end;
306 var
307   fmPropDlg: TfmPropDlg;
309 implementation
311 {$R *.DFM}
313 procedure TfmPropDlg.sbAddClick(Sender: TObject);
314 begin
315   FMyComponent.MyTables.AddItem;
316   edtStr.Text := '';
317   edtInt.Text := '';
318   edtStr.SetFocus;
319 end;
321 procedure TfmPropDlg.sbOkClick(Sender: TObject);
322 begin
323   FMyComponent.MyTables[FMyComponent.MyTables.ItemCount - 1].StringValue :=
324     edtStr.Text;
325   FMyComponent.MyTables[FMyComponent.MyTables.ItemCount - 1].IntegerValue :=
326     StrtoInt(edtInt.Text);
327 end;
329 procedure TfmPropDlg.sbupClick(Sender: TObject);
330 var
331   I: Integer;
332 begin
333   if (FCurrentIndex > 0) then
334   begin
335     Dec(FCurrentIndex);
336     edtStr.Text := FMyComponent.MyTables[FCurrentIndex].StringValue;
337     edtInt.Text := Inttostr(FMyComponent.MyTables[FCurrentIndex].IntegerValue);
338   end;
339 end;
341 procedure TfmPropDlg.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
342 begin
343   FCurrentIndex := 0;
344 end;
346 procedure TfmPropDlg.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
347 begin
348   if (FMyComponent.MyTables.ItemCount > 0) then
349   begin
350     FCurrentIndex := 0;
351     edtStr.Text := FMyComponent.MyTables[FCurrentIndex].StringValue;
352     edtInt.Text := Inttostr(FMyComponent.MyTables[FCurrentIndex].IntegerValue);
353   end;
354 end;
356 procedure TfmPropDlg.sbDownClick(Sender: TObject);
357 begin
358   if (FCurrentIndex < (FMyComponent.MyTables.ItemCount - 1)) then
359   begin
360     Inc(FCurrentIndex);
361     edtStr.Text := FMyComponent.MyTables[FCurrentIndex].StringValue;
362     edtInt.Text := Inttostr(FMyComponent.MyTables[FCurrentIndex].IntegerValue);
363   end;
364 end;
366 procedure TfmPropDlg.sbDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
367 begin
368   if (FMyComponent.MyTables.ItemCount > 0) then
369   begin
370     FMyComponent.MyTables.DeleteItem(FCurrentIndex);
371     FCurrentIndex := 0;
372     edtStr.Text := FMyComponent.MyTables[FCurrentIndex].StringValue;
373     edtInt.Text := Inttostr(FMyComponent.MyTables[FCurrentIndex].IntegerValue);
374   end;
375 end;
377 end.
379 //**********************************************************************
380 //****** Property Editor's form file (dfm)  Code **************************
381 //**********************************************************************
383 object fmPropDlg: TfmPropDlg
384   Left = 263
385     Top = 371
386     BorderStyle = bsDialog
387     Caption = 'Editor Dlg'
388     ClientHeight = 103
389     ClientWidth = 218
390     Color = clBtnFace
391     Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
392     Font.Color = clWindowText
393     Font.Height = -11
394     Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
395     Font.Style = []
396     OldCreateOrder = False
397     Position = poScreenCenter
398     OnCreate = FormCreate
399     OnShow = FormShow
400     PixelsPerInch = 96
401     TextHeight = 13
402     object Label1: TLabel
403     Left = 16
404       Top = 24
405       Width = 36
406       Height = 13
407       Caption = 'Value 1'
408   end
409   object Label2: TLabel
410     Left = 17
411       Top = 51
412       Width = 33
413       Height = 13
414       Caption = 'Value2'
415   end
416   object sbAdd: TSpeedButton
417     Left = 26
418       Top = 77
419       Width = 23
420       Height = 22
421       Glyph.Data = {
422     76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100
423     04000000000000010000130B0000130B00001000000000000000000000000000
424     800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000
425     FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333333333
426     33333333FF33333333FF333993333333300033377F3333333777333993333333
427     300033F77FFF3333377739999993333333333777777F3333333F399999933333
428     33003777777333333377333993333333330033377F3333333377333993333333
429     3333333773333333333F333333333333330033333333F33333773333333C3333
430     330033333337FF3333773333333CC333333333FFFFF77FFF3FF33CCCCCCCCCC3
431     993337777777777F77F33CCCCCCCCCC3993337777777777377333333333CC333
432     333333333337733333FF3333333C333330003333333733333777333333333333
433     3000333333333333377733333333333333333333333333333333}
434     NumGlyphs = 2
435       OnClick = sbAddClick
436   end
437   object sbDelete: TSpeedButton
438     Left = 62
439       Top = 76
440       Width = 23
441       Height = 22
442       Glyph.Data = {
443     76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100
444     04000000000000010000130B0000130B00001000000000000000000000000000
445     800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000
446     FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333333333
447     333333333333333333FF33333333333330003333333333333777333333333333
448     300033FFFFFF3333377739999993333333333777777F3333333F399999933333
449     3300377777733333337733333333333333003333333333333377333333333333
450     3333333333333333333F333333333333330033333F33333333773333C3333333
451     330033337F3333333377333CC3333333333333F77FFFFFFF3FF33CCCCCCCCCC3
452     993337777777777F77F33CCCCCCCCCC399333777777777737733333CC3333333
453     333333377F33333333FF3333C333333330003333733333333777333333333333
454     3000333333333333377733333333333333333333333333333333}
455     NumGlyphs = 2
456       OnClick = sbDeleteClick
457   end
458   object sbOk: TSpeedButton
459     Left = 100
460       Top = 76
461       Width = 23
462       Height = 22
463       Glyph.Data = {
464     76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100
465     04000000000000010000120B0000120B00001000000000000000000000000000
466     800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000
467     FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00555555555555
468     555555555555555555555555555555555555555555FF55555555555559055555
469     55555555577FF5555555555599905555555555557777F5555555555599905555
470     555555557777FF5555555559999905555555555777777F555555559999990555
471     5555557777777FF5555557990599905555555777757777F55555790555599055
472     55557775555777FF5555555555599905555555555557777F5555555555559905
473     555555555555777FF5555555555559905555555555555777FF55555555555579
474     05555555555555777FF5555555555557905555555555555777FF555555555555
475     5990555555555555577755555555555555555555555555555555}
476     NumGlyphs = 2
477       OnClick = sbOkClick
478   end
479   object sbCancel: TSpeedButton
480     Left = 144
481       Top = 76
482       Width = 23
483       Height = 22
484       Glyph.Data = {
485     76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100
486     04000000000000010000130B0000130B00001000000000000000000000000000
487     800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000
488     FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333333333
489     333333333333333333333333333333333333333FFF33FF333FFF339993370733
490     999333777FF37FF377733339993000399933333777F777F77733333399970799
491     93333333777F7377733333333999399933333333377737773333333333990993
492     3333333333737F73333333333331013333333333333777FF3333333333910193
493     333333333337773FF3333333399000993333333337377737FF33333399900099
494     93333333773777377FF333399930003999333337773777F777FF339993370733
495     9993337773337333777333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
496     3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333}
497     NumGlyphs = 2
498   end
499   object sbup: TSpeedButton
500     Left = 192
501       Top = 16
502       Width = 23
503       Height = 22
504       Glyph.Data = {
505     76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100
506     04000000000000010000120B0000120B00001000000000000000000000000000
507     800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000
508     FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333000333
509     3333333333777F33333333333309033333333333337F7F333333333333090333
510     33333333337F7F33333333333309033333333333337F7F333333333333090333
511     33333333337F7F33333333333309033333333333FF7F7FFFF333333000090000
512     3333333777737777F333333099999990333333373F3333373333333309999903
513     333333337F33337F33333333099999033333333373F333733333333330999033
514     3333333337F337F3333333333099903333333333373F37333333333333090333
515     33333333337F7F33333333333309033333333333337373333333333333303333
516     333333333337F333333333333330333333333333333733333333}
517     NumGlyphs = 2
518       OnClick = sbupClick
519   end
520   object sbDown: TSpeedButton
521     Left = 192
522       Top = 64
523       Width = 23
524       Height = 22
525       Glyph.Data = {
526     76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100
527     04000000000000010000120B0000120B00001000000000000000000000000000
528     800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000
529     FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333303333
530     333333333337F33333333333333033333333333333373F333333333333090333
531     33333333337F7F33333333333309033333333333337373F33333333330999033
532     3333333337F337F33333333330999033333333333733373F3333333309999903
533     333333337F33337F33333333099999033333333373333373F333333099999990
534     33333337FFFF3FF7F33333300009000033333337777F77773333333333090333
535     33333333337F7F33333333333309033333333333337F7F333333333333090333
536     33333333337F7F33333333333309033333333333337F7F333333333333090333
537     33333333337F7F33333333333300033333333333337773333333}
538     NumGlyphs = 2
539       OnClick = sbDownClick
540   end
541   object edtStr: TEdit
542     Left = 56
543       Top = 21
544       Width = 121
545       Height = 21
546       TabOrder = 0
547   end
548   object edtInt: TEdit
549     Left = 56
550       Top = 48
551       Width = 121
552       Height = 21
553       TabOrder = 1
554   end
555 end
557 //******************************************************

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