Author: Bjarne Winkler
What to use the TCheckListBox LoadFromFile and SaveToFile Method, and store the
checked state at the same time?
If you embed the Checked property into the actual entry as a “1” or “0” charter you
can save the file with the normal SaveToFile method. When a file is loaded using
the LoadFromFile method as normal. Then extract the first charter from the entry
and you will have the checked state.
1 2 {====================================}3 4 procedure TFrameRuleEngine.SaveRules;
5 {====================================}6 var7 i: Integer;
8 9 begin10 i := 0;
11 while i < CheckListBoxRule.Items.Count do12 begin13 if CheckListBoxRule.Items[i] = '' then14 begin15 // Delete entry it is empty16 CheckListBoxRule.Items.Delete(i);
17 end18 else19 begin20 // Add a 1 or 0 as the first charter in the entry for checked or not checked21 CheckListBoxRule.Items[i] := IntToStr(Integer(CheckListBoxRule.Checked[i])) +
22 CheckListBoxRule.Items[i];
23 Inc(i);
24 end;
25 end;
26 // Save the full list as normal27 CheckListBoxRule.Items.SaveToFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) +
28 'Rule.Txt');
29 end;
30 31 {===================================}32 33 procedure TFrameRuleEngine.LoadRules;
34 {===================================}35 var36 sChecked: string;
37 i: Integer;
38 39 begin40 if FileExists(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'Rule.Txt') then41 begin42 // Read the file as normal43 CheckListBoxRule.Items.LoadFromFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) +
44 'Rule.Txt');
45 i := 0;
46 while i < CheckListBoxRule.Items.Count do47 begin48 if CheckListBoxRule.Items[i] = '' then49 begin50 // Delete an empty entry51 CheckListBoxRule.Items.Delete(i);
52 end53 else54 begin55 // Get the checked state56 sChecked := Copy(CheckListBoxRule.Items[i], 1, 1);
57 CheckListBoxRule.Items[i] := Copy(CheckListBoxRule.Items[i], 2,
58 Length(CheckListBoxRule.Items[i]));
59 // Update the Checked property60 CheckListBoxRule.Checked[i] := Boolean(StrToInt(sChecked));
61 Inc(i);
62 end;
63 end;
64 end;
65 end;