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How to implement autocompletion in a TEdit Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas

How to implement autocompletion in a TEdit


Solve 1:

Here is a procedure using the OnKeyDown that will autocomplete an edit box using a 
lookup source table. Change it to suit your needs but it should give you an idea of 
how to do the selections and stuff with an edit control. This will work with just 
about any type of edit control and I use it for combo boxes as well. You just need 
to change the typecasting.
2   procedure TForm1.EditKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
3   var
4     s1: string;
5     s2: string;
6   begin
7     if TEdit(Sender).Text = '' then
8       exit;
9     s1 := TEdit(Sender).Text;
10    s2 := s1;
11    with mtDM.LookTable do {change here for your own lookup stuff...}
12    begin
13      if not Locate(LookField, TEdit(Sender).Text, [loPartialKey]) then
14      begin
15        Key := 0;
16        if length(s2) = 1 then
17        begin
18          TEdit(Sender).Text := '';
19          exit;
20        end;
21        System.delete(s2, length(s2), 1);
22        TEdit(Sender).Text := s2;
23        s1 := s2;
24        Locate(LookField, TEdit(Sender).Text, [loPartialKey]);
25      end;
26      s1 := FieldByName(LookField).AsString;
27      TEdit(Sender).Text := copy(s1, 1, length(s2)) + copy(s1, length(s2) + 1, 
28  length(s1));
29      TEdit(Sender).SelStart := Length(s2);
30      TEdit(Sender).SelLength := length(s1) - length(s2);
31    end;
32    inherited;
33  end;

Solve 2:

34  unit AutoEdit;
36  interface
38  uses
39    Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, StdCtrls, Controls,
40    Dialogs, Forms;
42  type
43    TAutoEdit = class(TEdit)
44    private
45      fList: TListBox;
46      fItems: TStringList;
47      fLabel: TLabel;
48      fCaption: string;
49      fBackColor: TColor;
50      fCaptionColor: TColor;
51      fAutoComplete: Boolean;
52      fListCount: Integer;
53      fOldText: string;
54      procedure SetCaption(S: string);
55      procedure SetCaptionColor(const Color: TColor);
56      procedure SetBackColor(const Color: TColor);
57      procedure SetAutoComplete(AutoCompleteOn: Boolean);
58      procedure ShowList;
59    protected
60      procedure CreateWnd; override;
61      procedure CreateParams(var params: TCreateParams); override;
62      procedure SetParent(AParent: TWinControl); override;
63      procedure SetName(const Value: TComponentName); override;
64    public
65      constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
66      destructor Destroy; override;
67      procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); override;
68      procedure ListMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: 
69  TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
70      procedure HideList;
71      procedure DoExit; override;
72      property Items: TStringList read fItems write fItems;
73    published
74      procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override;
75      procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
76      property Caption: string read fCaption write SetCaption;
77      property CaptionColor: TColor read fCaptionColor write SetCaptionColor;
78      property BackColor: TColor read fBackColor write SetBackColor;
79      property AutoComplete: Boolean read fAutoComplete write SetAutoComplete;
80      property ListCount: Integer read fListCount write fListCount default 5;
81    end;
83  procedure register;
85  implementation
87  procedure register;
88  begin
89    RegisterComponents('Freeware', [TAutoEdit]);
90  end;
92  { TAutoEdit }
94  constructor TAutoEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
95  begin
96    inherited;
97    fItems := TStringList.Create;
98    fList := TListBox.Create(Self);
99    fLabel := TLabel.Create(Self);
100   fLabel.ParentColor := True;
101   fLabel.AutoSize := False;
102   fLabel.FocusControl := Self;
103   fCaptionColor := fLabel.Font.Color;
104   fBackColor := fLabel.Color;
105   fList.Parent := Self;
106   fList.IntegralHeight := True;
107   fList.ParentCtl3D := False;
108   fList.Ctl3D := False;
109   fList.TabStop := False;
110   fList.Visible := False;
111   fListCount := 5;
112 end;
114 destructor TAutoEdit.Destroy;
115 begin
116   {fList.Free;}
117   fItems.Free;
118   fLabel.Free;
119   inherited;
120 end;
122 procedure TAutoEdit.SetParent(AParent: TWinControl);
123 var
124   FirstSetting: Boolean;
125 begin
126   if Parent = nil then
127     FirstSetting := True
128   else
129     FirstSetting := False;
130   inherited;
131   if Parent <> nil then
132   begin
133     fList.Parent := Self.Parent;
134     fLabel.Parent := Self.Parent;
135     if FirstSetting then
136     begin
137       fLabel.ParentColor := True;
138       SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
139     end;
140   end;
141 end;
143 procedure TAutoEdit.SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
144 begin
145   inherited SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight);
146   if Parent <> nil then
147   begin
148     if (fCaption > '') and (fLabel.Parent <> nil) then
149     begin
150       fLabel.Top := ATop - (1 + fLabel.Canvas.TextHeight('lj'));
151       fLabel.Height := AHeight + 4 + fLabel.Canvas.TextHeight('lj');
152     end
153     else
154     begin
155       fLabel.Top := ATop - 2;
156       fLabel.Height := AHeight + 4;
157     end;
158     fLabel.Left := ALeft - 2;
159     fLabel.Width := AWidth + 4;
160     if csDesigning in ComponentState then
161     begin
162       fList.Parent := Self;
163       HideList;
164     end
165     else if fList.Visible then
166       ShowList;
167   end;
168 end;
170 procedure TAutoEdit.SetName(const Value: TComponentName);
171 begin
172   if Name > '' then
173     if fCaption = Name then
174       Caption := Value;
175   inherited SetName(Value);
176   if Text = Name then
177   begin
178     Text := '';
179     Caption := Value;
180   end;
181 end;
183 procedure TAutoEdit.CreateWnd;
184 begin
185   inherited;
186 end;
188 procedure TAutoEdit.CreateParams(var params: TCreateParams);
189 begin
190   inherited;
191   fList.Color := Self.Color;
192   fList.Font := Self.Font;
193   fList.OnMouseUp := ListMouseUp;
194   HideList;
195 end;
197 procedure TAutoEdit.SetCaption(S: string);
198 begin
199   fCaption := S;
200   fLabel.Caption := ' ' + S;
201   SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height)
202 end;
204 procedure TAutoEdit.SetCaptionColor(const Color: TColor);
205 begin
206   if fCaptionColor <> Color then
207   begin
208     fCaptionColor := Color;
209     fLabel.Font.Color := Color;
210     SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height)
211   end;
212 end;
214 procedure TAutoEdit.SetBackColor(const Color: TColor);
215 begin
216   if fBackColor <> Color then
217   begin
218     fBackColor := Color;
219     fLabel.Color := Color;
220     SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height)
221   end;
222 end;
224 procedure TAutoEdit.SetAutoComplete(AutoCompleteOn: Boolean);
225 begin
226   fAutoComplete := AutoCompleteOn;
227 end;
229 procedure TAutoEdit.ListMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
230   Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
231 begin
232   Text := fList.Items[fList.ItemIndex];
233   SelStart := Length(Text);
234   HideList;
235   fList.Clear;
236   PostMessage(Handle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_TAB, 0);
237   PostMessage(Handle, WM_KEYUP, VK_TAB, 0);
238 end;
240 procedure TAutoEdit.DoExit;
241 begin
242   if not fList.Focused then
243     HideList;
244   inherited;
245 end;
247 procedure TAutoEdit.KeyPress(var Key: Char);
248 var
249   K, T: string;
250   I, S: Integer;
251 begin
252   if ReadOnly then
253   begin
254     inherited;
255     Exit;
256   end;
257   K := Key;
258   if (Key = #27) and (fList.Visible) then
259   begin
260     Key := #0;
261     Text := Copy(Text, 1, SelStart);
262     SelStart := Length(Text);
263     fList.Clear;
264     HideList;
265   end
266   else if fAutoComplete then
267     if ((K > #27) and (K < #129)) or (K = #8) then
268     begin
269       if (K = #8) then
270         T := Copy(Text, 1, SelStart - 1)
271       else
272         T := Copy(Text, 1, SelStart) + K;
273       K := Uppercase(T);
274       fList.Clear;
275       if fItems.Count > 0 then
276         for I := 0 to fItems.Count - 1 do
277         begin
278           if (Pos(K, Uppercase(fItems[I])) = 1) then
279             fList.Items.Add(fItems[I]);
280           if fList.Items.Count > fListCount - 1 then
281             Break;
282         end;
283       S := Length(T);
284       if (fList.Items.Count > 0) and (Key <> #8) then
285       begin
286         Text := Copy(T, 1, S) + Copy(fList.Items[0], S + 1, Length(fList.Items[0]));
287       end
288       else
289         Text := T;
290       Key := #0;
291       SelStart := S;
292       SelLength := Length(Text) - S;
293       fOldText := Copy(Text, 1, SelStart);
294     end;
295   if fList.Items.Count > 0 then
296     ShowList
297   else
298     HideList;
299   inherited;
300 end;
302 procedure TAutoEdit.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
303 var
304   I, S: Integer;
305 begin
306   if Key = VK_DELETE then
307   begin
308     fList.Clear;
309     HideList;
310   end
311   else if fList.Visible then
312     if (Key = VK_DOWN) or (Key = VK_UP) then
313     begin
314       S := SelStart;
315       if Key = VK_DOWN then
316         I := fList.ItemIndex + 1
317       else
318         I := fList.ItemIndex - 1;
319       if I < -1 then
320         I := fList.Items.Count - 1;
321       if I > fList.Items.Count - 1 then
322         I := -1;
323       fList.ItemIndex := I;
324       if I = -1 then
325       begin
326         Text := fOldText;
327         SelStart := Length(Text);
328         SelLength := 0;
329       end
330       else
331       begin
332         Text := fList.Items[fList.ItemIndex];
333         SelStart := S;
334         SelLength := Length(Text) - S;
335       end;
336       Key := 0;
337     end;
338   if (not fList.Visible) and ((Key = VK_LEFT) or (Key = VK_RIGHT)) then
339     if SelLength = Length(Text) then
340       if (Shift = []) and (Length(Text) > 0) then
341       begin
342         SelLength := 0;
343         {if (Key = VK_LEFT) and (SelStart > 1) then
344           SelStart := SelStart - 1
345         else
346           if (Key = VK_RIGHT) and (SelStart < Length(Text)) then
347             SelStart := SelStart + 1;}
348         Key := 0;
349       end;
350   inherited;
351 end;
353 procedure TAutoEdit.ShowList;
354 begin
355   if Parent <> nil then
356   begin
357     fList.Top := Top + ClientHeight;
358     fList.Left := Left;
359     fList.Width := Width;
360     fList.Height := fList.ItemHeight * (fList.Items.Count + 1);
361     fList.BringToFront;
362     fList.Show;
363   end;
364 end;
366 procedure TAutoEdit.HideList;
367 var
368   I: Integer;
369 begin
370   if (Text > '') then
371     for I := 0 to fList.Items.Count - 1 do
372       if Uppercase(fList.Items[I]) = Uppercase(Text) then
373       begin
374         Text := fList.Items[I];
375         Break;
376       end;
377   fList.Hide;
378   fList.Top := Top;
379   fList.Height := 0;
380   fList.Left := Left;
381   fList.Width := 0;
382 end;
384 initialization
385   begin
386     RegisterClass(TLabel);
387   end;
389 end.

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