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How to Save and load TListView items to / from a file Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas

I would like to know how to save TListView items and subitems into a file and 
reload them into the listview on a button click or the next time the program starts.


Solve 1:

The answer depends on what information you need to save and restore: only the 
strings or also image indices, if the latter, which indices? If it's only the 
strings one could do it this way:

1   unit Unit1;
3   interface
5   uses
6     Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, 
7   ComCtrls,
8       StdCtrls;
10  type
11    TForm1 = class(TForm)
12      ListView1: TListView;
13      SaveButton: TButton;
14      ClearButton: TButton;
15      LoadButton: TButton;
16      procedure ClearButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
17      procedure SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
18      procedure LoadButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
19    private
20      { Private declarations }
21    public
22      { Public declarations }
23    end;
25  var
26    Form1: TForm1;
28  implementation
30  {$R *.DFM}
32  {
33  Function IScan:
34  Parameters:
35  ch: Character to scan for
36  S : String to scan
37  fromPos: first character to scan
38  Returns: position of next occurence of character ch, or 0, if none found
39  Description: Search for next occurence of a character in a string
40  Error Conditions: none
41  Created: 11/27/96 by P. Below
42  }
44  function IScan(ch: Char; const S: string; fromPos: Integer): Integer;
45  var
46    i: Integer;
47  begin
48    Result := 0;
49    for i := fromPos to Length(S) do
50    begin
51      if S[i] = ch then
52      begin
53        Result := i;
54        Break;
55      end;
56    end;
57  end;
59  {
60  Procedure SplitString:
61  Parameters:
62  S: String to split
63  separator: character to use as separator between substrings
64  substrings: list to take the substrings
65  Description: Isolates the individual substrings and copies them into the passed 
66  stringlist. Note that we only add to the list, we do not clear it first! If two 
67  separators follow each other directly an empty string will be added to the list.
68  Error Conditions: will do nothing if the stringlist is not assigned
69  Created: 08.07.97 by P. Below
70  }
72  procedure SplitString(const S: string; separator: Char; substrings: TStringList);
73  var
74    i, n: Integer;
75  begin
76    if Assigned(substrings) and (Length(S) > 0) then
77    begin
78      i := 1;
79      repeat
80        n := IScan(separator, S, i);
81        if n = 0 then
82          n := Length(S) + 1;
83        substrings.Add(Copy(S, i, n - i));
84        i := n + 1;
85      until
86        i > Length(S);
87    end;
88  end;
90  resourcestring
92    eInvalidViewstyle = '%s: the listview %s is not in vsReport mode.';
94    {
95    Procedure SaveListviewStrings:
96    Parameters :
97    listview : listview to save, must be in vsreport mode, <> nil
98    filename : full pathname of file to create
99    Description:
100   Iterates over the items of the passed listview and saves the item and 
101 	subitem strings to file. The created file is a plain text file, each item 
102 	occupies one line, subitems are separated by tab characters.
103   Error Conditions:
104   An exception will be raised if the listview is not in vsreport mode or if the 
105 	file cannot be written to.
106   Created: 2.4.2000 by P. Below
107   }
109 procedure SaveListviewStrings(listview: TLIstview; const filename: string);
110 var
111   sl: TStringlist;
112   S: string;
113   i, k: Integer;
114   item: TLIstItem;
115 begin
116   Assert(Assigned(listview));
117   if listview.ViewStyle <> vsReport then
118     raise Exception.CreateFmt(eInvalidViewstyle, ['SaveListviewStrings',
120   sl := TStringlist.Create;
121   try
122     for i := 0 to listview.items.count - 1 do
123     begin
124       item := listview.Items[i];
125       S := item.Caption;
126       for k := 0 to item.SubItems.Count - 1 do
127         S := S + #9 + item.Subitems[k];
128       sl.Add(S);
129     end;
130     sl.SaveToFile(filename);
131   finally
133   end;
134 end;
136 {
137 Procedure LoadListviewStrings:
138 Parameters :
139 listview : listview to load, must be in vsreport mode, <> nil
140 filename : full pathname of file to read
141 Description:
142 Reads the file into a stringlist and then dissects each line into another list
143 of strings. It expects the lists elements to be separated by tab characters. For 
144 each line read a new listitem is added to the listview and its caption and subitems 
145 are set from the lines elements. Note that the listview is not cleared
146 first, so the new items will be added to whatever items the listview already 
147 contains.
148 Error Conditions:
149 An exception will be raised if the listview is not in vsreport mode or if the file 
150 cannot be loaded.
151 Created: 2.4.2000 by P. Below
152 }
154 procedure LoadListviewStrings(listview: TLIstview; const filename: string);
155 var
156   sl, lineelements: TStringlist;
157   i: Integer;
158   item: TLIstItem;
159 begin
160   Assert(Assigned(listview));
161   if listview.ViewStyle <> vsReport then
162     raise Exception.CreateFmt(eInvalidViewstyle, ['LoadListviewStrings',
164   sl := TStringlist.Create;
165   try
166     sl.LoadFromFile(filename);
167     lineelements := Tstringlist.Create;
168     try
169       for i := 0 to sl.count - 1 do
170       begin
171         lineelements.Clear;
172         SplitString(sl[i], #9, lineelements);
173         if lineelements.Count > 0 then
174         begin
175           item := listview.Items.Add;
176           item.Caption := lineelements[0];
177           lineelements.Delete(0);
178           item.SubItems.Assign(lineelements);
179         end;
180       end;
181     finally
183     end;
184   finally
186   end;
187 end;
189 const
190   testfilename = 'c:\temp\testfile.txt';
192 procedure TForm1.ClearButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
193 begin
194   listview1.items.clear;
195 end;
197 procedure TForm1.SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
198 begin
199   SaveListviewStrings(listview1, testfilename);
200 end;
202 procedure TForm1.LoadButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
203 begin
204   LoadListviewStrings(listview1, testfilename);
205 end;
207 end.

Solve 2:

Subclass TListView and add these to your new component:

208 unit MyListView;
210 interface
212 uses
213   SysUtils, Classes, ComCtrls, Forms, Windows, Menus, Controls;
215 type
217   TCheckBoxString = class(TComponent)
218   private
219     FTheString: string;
220   protected
221   public
222   published
223     property CheckBoxString: string read FTheString write FTheString;
224   end;
226   TMyListView = class(TListView)
227   private
228   public
229     procedure SaveToFile(FileName: string);
230     procedure LoadFromFile(FileName: string);
231   published
232   end;
234 procedure register;
236 implementation
238 procedure TMyListView.SaveToFile(FileName: string);
239 var
240   FStream: TMemoryStream;
241   i: Integer;
242   FStrings: TCheckBoxString;
243 begin
244   FStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
245   FStrings := TCheckBoxString.Create(nil);
246   try
247     FStream.WriteComponent(Self);
248     if Self.Checkboxes then
249     begin
250       FStrings.CheckBoxString := '';
251       for i := 0 to Self.Items.Count - 1 do
252       begin
253         if Self.Items[i].Checked then
254           FStrings.CheckBoxString := FStrings.CheckBoxString + 'T'
255         else
256           FStrings.CheckBoxString := FStrings.CheckBoxString + 'F';
257       end;
258       FStream.WriteComponent(FStrings);
259     end;
260     FStream.SaveToFile(FileName);
261   finally
262     FStream.Free;
263     FStrings.Free;
264   end;
265 end;
267 procedure TMyListView.LoadFromFile(FileName: string);
268 var
269   FStream: TFileStream;
270   i: Integer;
271   FStrings: TCheckBoxString;
272 begin
273   FStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
274   FStrings := TCheckBoxString.Create(nil);
275   try
276     Self.Columns.BeginUpdate;
277     Self.Items.BeginUpdate;
278     Self.Items.Clear;
279     Self := FStream.ReadComponent(Self) as TMyListView;
280     if Self.Checkboxes then
281     begin
282       FStrings := FStream.ReadComponent(FStrings) as TCheckBoxString;
283       for i := 0 to Self.Items.Count - 1 do
284       begin
285         if (i + 1) <= Length(FStrings.CheckBoxString) then
286           Self.Items[i].Checked := (FStrings.CheckBoxString[i + 1] = 'T');
287       end;
288     end;
289   finally
290     FStream.Free;
291     FStrings.Free;
292     Self.Columns.EndUpdate;
293     Self.Items.EndUpdate;
294   end;
295 end;

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