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How to create a TProgressBar inside a TListView Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas

I would like to display a progress bar as a sub item in a TListView (vsReport 
mode). How can I do that?


Well, you can in fact parent a live progressbar to a listview, you just have to do 
it at run-time. The sample below has timer that randomly steps the progress bars. 
The bar is added to the last column of the listview.

There are some gotchas here: the DisplayRect method of a listitem does not return 
the correct position unless the control is visible, thus the hack used at the top 
of the method to ensure this. And of course you will have to adjust the width and 
left bound of the progress bars if the user resizes columns. And you need to add 
new bars if the user can add items and destroy bars if the user can delete item.

1   procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
2   var
3     pb: TProgressBar;
4     r: TRect;
5     i, k: Integer;
6   begin
7     Show;
8     Application.ProcessMessages;
9     for i := 0 to listview1.items.count - 1 do
10    begin
11      r := listview1.items[i].DisplayRect(drBounds);
12      {last column is to take progress bar}
13      for k := 1 to listview1.columns.Count - 1 do
14        r.left := r.left + listview1.columns[k - 1].Width;
15      r.right := r.Left + listview1.columns[listview1.columns.Count - 1].Width;
16      pb := TProgressBar.Create(self);
17      pb.Parent := listview1;
18      pb.BoundsRect := r;
19      listview1.items[i].Data := pb;
20    end;
21  end;
23  procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
24  var
25    i: Integer;
26    pb: TProgressbar;
27  begin
28    i := Random(listview1.items.count);
29    pb := TProgressBar(listview1.Items[i].Data);
30    if assigned(pb) then
31      if pb.Position = pb.Max then
32        pb.Position := 0
33      else
34        pb.StepBy(pb.Max div 10);
35  end;

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