If you need to prevent the user to close the appl. from the close-button in the
form, then you can use Joe F, Darley's way to do so. But you can
also add this code to prevent [ALT]+[F4] and by right-clik on the appl. in the
1 2 private3 { Private declarations }4 OkToClose: Boolean;
5 6 {In the forms OnCloseQuery event:}7 procedure TForm1.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
8 begin9 CanClose := OkToClose;
10 end;
11 12 {And in your own closebutton: ( if you want to have one )}13 procedure TForm1.CloseProgrammeClick(Sender: TObject);
14 begin15 OkToClose := True;
16 Close;
17 end;
This way you cannot close the appl. other than if you let the user by your own
Well... There is one way to close it... You can close the appl. by press
[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del] and then close it in progresses or in the Job-list
for programmes...