Invariant : Invariance : Invariant factors : Invariant factoring
Use Application in terms of : Invariant factoring
macro application development The overall construction of an application.
micro application development the internals of functions. - loops, do whiles
and case etc.
I learned of a new word the other day. Invariant ! It is a neat word
if you think about it? It's just mysterious enough to be complicated
and strong enough to be dangerous if used but sounds good enough
that if used correctly will help make better programs. Since, it was
applied in the sense of better C++ programming the word and its
possible uses should be learned, right ?
More than right ! Knowing what it means and what it does can be the
difference between understanding and not understanding the code you
use in an application. Knowing either and morso both certainly helps
with clearly defined construction of an application.
What I figured initially of the word is that an Invariant is intended for the
use of validating the development of a function in relation to its data members
and vise versa. Well, that's good and after all that is what a class is, a group
of data members and functions which serve the data members. So, why not
understand why they are in the class ! Invariant consideration does that.
The word invariant in terms of the above reference makes it a method also.
It helps to qualify a class in terms of internal construction. So, Why not
consider the word to mean a "method of factoring " ? Afterall functions and
data members are factored to a class ! With this said, can the method be
further understood as "Invariant factoring". If so, then why keep its use
to just functions and data members ? Why not apply the it in terms of the
overall code writing for the whole application ? Why not apply it also to the
internal mechanisms which make up a functions format. It could justify why
one loop may be better than two.
My conclusion with this paper is that a method can be applied to validate
any aspect of code within an application if the terms of use are useful in
terms of the definition. Instantiation does this and so does polymorphism,
so can an invariant.
With this, the developer also has a technical reference for how and why
to do code . A technical reference and a term which is borne out of
functional purpose and can be applied towards the sense of doing code
Importantly in response to a question from the boss, as to what a
programmer is doing. A response can be valid with "I am Invariant factoring
my code" , sir. Rings a bell and keeps a fellow out of hell, code hell too. Ha.
The result and purpose then, of code can be better found and established with
Invariant factoring.
Bjarne Stroustrup used and explained this word in terms of good form for
application development. The article / Interview found at Artima.Com and is titled
"The C++ Sweet Spot style" Part 1 of a 4 part series on C++ programming.
Bjarne Stroustrup is the Inventor of C++ . Good reading.
Authors take:
This is my take on the word Invariant and its use with C++ programming. I found
it makes sense and find it works to better code construction beyond the scope of
functions and data members.
Happy coding
David W. Stubbs